Who We Are

Vianne Tiffany
Divine Illuminator

Gary Brewer
Master Healer

Valerie Ryan
Mouth of God
Our History
The story behind Soul Integrators
As you may have read in their individual stories, each of the Partners in Soul Integrators began fairly early as a seeker, and a healer. Vianne began teaching Reiki in 2001 which is how she met Gary and Valerie who were students at the master level in different classes in 2004. Little did they know then that their paths would be so intertwined.
Valerie was guided by spirit that she was to work with Vianne, which sounded great to Vianne given Valerie’s intuitive gifts and, in 2008, they created a healing space in the home of another friend where they each saw clients and Vianne, and sometimes both of them, taught classes.
In 2010, Gary and Vianne connected because Gary was interested in joining Reiki Healing Circles. The three of them formed a group of people exploring healing and channeling information from spirit, which taught them a lot. In 2011, Vianne and Valerie each felt that they needed to go back to 9-5 jobs, Gary and Vianne became Domestic Partners and they worked together as healers on a part-time basis and discovered that they complimented each other when working together. During this time there was still the desire to have a healing/teaching center and the sense that, when the time was right, Valerie would be part of their work.
In 2020, Vianne and Gary felt called to move to the Upstate of South Carolina, not knowing that Valerie’s husband had always wanted to retire to South Carolina. Coincidence? Not! So, Gary and Vianne worked for 4 years to get the house in Blacksburg, SC, turned into a center for healing and intensive retreats and classes and in 2024, Soul Integrators hosted their first retreat at the Integration Station. Valerie is currently commuting from Maryland, but we look forward to the time that she and her husband will live close by in South Carolina. We also look forward to having you join us here.