Rediscover Balance, Purpose & Joy In Your Life
At Soul Integrators, Vianne, Gary and Valerie guide you on a transformative holistic journey to heal the original cause of dis-ease, uncover your true self, and align with your soul’s purpose.
Our collaborative and experiential approach, featuring various healing modalities, classes, and retreats, empower you to manifest new realities for yourself and the world.
Integrative Solutions
Restore Balance & Heal Pain
In each of our remote healing sessions, we help you restore harmony and mend the wounding across the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and multi-dimensional aspects of your being. We use various modalities, including Reiki, Esoteric and Holographic Healing, Divine Intervention, and intuitive connection to Source to help you overcome the imbalance. During your healing journey, you will have the opportunity to experience:
- Discovery of Original Cause
- Healing of all levels of your being
- Alignment with Source
- Assimilation of Upgrades
What Sets Us Apart
You'll experience profound transformation and evolution with our consciousness-expanding holistic services. We offer individualized readings, channeled guidance, transformative retreats, Spiritual classes, and energetic healing. Our complementary and alternative therapies extend beyond conventional treatments and familiar modalities to offer you more support from above.
Book a one-on-one remote session that blends ancient wisdom, Divine insight, and esoteric methodologies for your well-being and spiritual growth. Find the clarity you've been seeking with a Soul Blueprint reading, Manifestation Map, or a Guided Journey. Reclaim your health, balance, and inner peace no matter where you reside.
If you're seeking: healing from chronic pain, knowledge of your soul's purpose, advice on overcoming limitations, or encouragement to unleash your true potential, you've been Divinely guided here.
Upcoming Events
Our 2025 Schedule
We'd love to see you live or online at one of these events:
- March 13-17 - Spring Retreat: "Raise Your Vibe"
- May 2-5 - Channeling Retreat - SOLD OUT!
- May 23-25 - Light Language 1 & 2 Classes
- June 20-23- Summer Retreat: "Raise Your Vibe"
- August 22-24 - Light Language 1 & 2 Classes
- October 17-20- Autumn Retreat: "Raise Your Vibe"
What To Expect
A Soul Manifestation Mapping Session will be a discussion of the Map previously created from Intuitive messages from Spirit and interaction between your Soul and Valerie’s. Please schedule at least a week ahead to account for processing time of creating your custom map.
Intuitive Sessions give you, the client, the opportunity to ask questions or receive general intuitive messages from Spirit for your highest good and most benevolent outcomes.
A Soul Journeying Session is a personal, online meditative journey through dimensions past, present, and future to facilitate healing and expansion of your Higher Self.
Distance Healing Sessions are generally done on-line and will give an opportunity to explore and heal any illness or dis-ease in the Physical, Emotional, Mental, or Spiritual bodies. Vianne and Valerie generally work with you for about an hour and recommend that you take at least an hour to integrate the healing off-line. Gary prefers to stay on-line with you as you integrate and so his sessions tend to run between 90 minutes and 2 hours.
Before, and especially after any of the above sessions, it is recommended that you: hydrate, rest well, eat right, and take care of yourself as gently as possible for 2-3 days after. You may feel lighter, balanced, more in touch with inner guidance, and in touch with your emotions, or like you're recalibrating to a new level. This is part of the integration process and is expected. Please reach out if anything unexpected or unusual occurs.
The Soul Blueprint Reading is based on your birth name and will take place on-line after Vianne has pulled it together and is ready to present it. The on-line session will take 1-2 hours, depending on how many questions you have. Please schedule a week in advance for processing time of your custom blueprint. Also note, there are six different types of blueprint readings available for you to select from here.